Turkey’s first and only script editor SenEDIT’s latest update 3.0 is announced.
Released last year, the product that helps scriptwriter write easily and quickly without blocking their creativity is now better and more useful with shooting script and production modules.
The Budget module for SenEDIT will be announced in the second half of 2015. With these modules that help prepare film production budgets and monitor the budget in the production process, you will also be made aware if any outsourcing is needed.
Towards the end of the year the Production module will be announced. This module will help film or TV series production plans and make it easier for the productions to finish within the planned budget and schedule.
SenEDIT is still being taught as a course in Anadolu University, Cinema-TV department and is being developed by a software team from Ankara, in collaboration with expert film makers.
Film authorities who use software for their creations attest to the power of SenEDIT as the only software in the world that brings together all the processes and functionality that are needed for film making in one place.
For further information about SenEDIT, please visit www.senedit.com